In and Around Fitchburg, Massachusetts

This blog was created to discuss some of the positive aspects of living in Fitchburg, Massachusetts, that are often overlooked by outsiders and residents alike.

Monday, March 17, 2008

Public Service Announcement for Local Ice Cream Fanatics

It's quite astounding to me the number of people who end up at this blog after running a search for one of several local ice cream stands. To all of those people, you'll be happy to know that both Carol's Dairy Bar and Rota Spring Ice Cream opened for the season this weekend. I failed to confirm what Carol's hours are for the early part of the season, but the staff at Rota Springs tells me they'll be open every day from noon to 9 pm. If you're not familiar with these places and need info about where they're located, etc., neither business seems to have a website, but you can find some details in my previous posts regarding Rota Spring and Carol's. Enjoy!
