Rota Spring Ice Cream
I definitely do my part to keep New England at the top of the list when it comes to statistics on per capita annual ice cream consumption. I particularly appreciate places that offer homemade ice cream, and it's an added bonus if there are cows on-site. So I was completely shocked that I had never heard of Rota Spring Ice Cream (located at 117 Chace Hill Road in Sterling) until I stumbled upon it en route to check out a place in Clinton I saw advertised in Fitchburg Pride. (As a side note, a visit to Gallery at 56 is a great opportunity to see a gorgeous renovated mill space.)
Rota Spring is located down a winding country road in a setting that hearkens back to a simpler, more authentically New England life. The owner makes all of the ice cream using milk from his own herd of cows. There are many outstanding flavors to choose from, including lowfat, sherbert, and frozen yogurt options. The ice cream is truly the richest, creamiest ice cream I've ever tasted. Picnic tables overlook a picturesque farm, complete with rolling green fields, a stream, pond, and stone walls. A calf and some playful goats were even on display to keep children entertained.
Before moving to Fitchburg, I lived near a fabulous ice cream stand called Uhlman's. The cow fields surrounding Uhlman's gave way to a massive subdivision, and they began trucking in their ice cream, but I kept returning because I hadn't found anything better. But now I can save myself the trip! Rota Spring offers up perfect ice cream in a great's hoping for a long summer so I can make the most of this wonderful new discovery!